
Take the next step in your career with Concordia’s accelerated bachelor’s in communication and leadership. This interdisciplinary program equips you with the skills you need to be an effective, 任何规模的组织中有道德的领导者.

学分 120
每学分成本 $490
  • 批判性思维
  • 沟通
  • 领导

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Concordia's bachelor’s in communication and leadership program prepares you to be an 伦理领导 in a complex, 多样化的世界. 

Our program cultivates and prepares students to lead with a servant's heart wherever they are called to serve. We believe that good leaders are knowledgeable and excel in all forms of communication, 输送, 接收, 理解口头和书面的思想. 优秀的领导者也有同理心. They know what motivates people and understand what people need to find fulfillment in their work, 有效地完成他们的工作. 

Bachelor’s degree in communications graduates will be prepared to engage with individuals across cultures, 在不同的背景下解决问题, and lead from diverse cultural practices and servant leadership. 这种独特的, interdisciplinary program equips you with the skills you need to be an effective, 任何规模的组织中有道德的领导者.

This accelerated bachelor's degree program is offered online through our 位于威斯康辛州梅昆的姊妹校区.




领导需要全面的、多方面的技能. Concordia's bachelor’s in communication and leadership program draws from a wide range of disciplines to help you become a strong, 伦理领导. 

Your critical thinking skills will be sharpened so that you can analyze information and make sound decisions. You will learn effective communication strategies (oral and written) as well as data visualization and communication to help you communicate, 激励, 说服人们. You will study collaboration strategies to help you understand and work with diverse groups. 和, you will learn how to become a servant leader through Christ’s humble example of leadership and Christ-centered principles.   

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